What we do:
Schools, businesses and non-profits all have challenges in their startup modes, evolution to larger organizations or “reinventing” themselves to meet customer and market demands. We can help with a variety of processes and expertise to assist leaders in these organizational development change issues.
How we do it:
Performance Learning consultants can help leaders and their Boards to identify key strengths and opportunities for improvement in how they serve their constituents/customers. This can be accomplished with face to face focus groups, analysis of business outcomes, facilitation of strategic planning and other customized products.
How we support you:
All improvement processes include debriefing for decision makers to make meaning out of data collected for them. In addition, executive coaching and employee team coaching is available to help sustain efforts and produce desired results.
Strategic Planning; Vision Planning; Cultural Competency; Leadership Development; LEAN – Total Quality Management
Data Collection
Customer and Employee Focus Groups; Instructional Practices Inventory; Intercultural Development Inventory; Teacher/Employee Evaluation Audit
Climate and Culture
Climate Surveys; Social Media Integration; Restorative Justice Practices; Leader, Student and/or Employee Coaching
Professional Development
Balanced Leadership; Professional Learning Communities; Teacher and Administrator Evaluation; Technology Acquisition and Training